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VI Edition

"Times of Resilience"


(from December 6, 2022 to December 13, 2022)

The partners of TEHR Sixth Edition are: Roma Tre University, Fondazione Teatro Palladium, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Canale Europa tv platform, Cineteca Stati Generali delle Donne, Mare Vivo, the Daily Cases web magazine, PiùE. Mediterraneo Festival Corto and the participation of Amnesty International.

T.E.H.R. Cinema

Nuovo Cinema Aquila, 8 dicembre 2022

Twenty Minutes

Short film, duration 20 minutes


by Daniele Esposito, with Annabella Calabrese

film that tells a very painful and shameful moment in human history, when at dawn on October 16, 1943, the Jewish families of Rome were rounded up by the Germans to be locked up in extermination camps, among these were also Enzo and Lea, the protagonists of "20 minutes".


A conversation with the authors follows.

The Flying Donkey

Short film


The documentary film, written and directed by Marco Piantoni , supported by FIDU - Italian Federation for Human Rights, tells the story of the last presidential elections, where Biram, considered the "Mandela of Mauritania", was a candidate, but in the end he was still in opposition.

In addition to the director, Sister Gabriella Bottani of Thalita Kum, an international Catholic organization active against human trafficking, also participated in the meeting with the public.


New Cinema Aquila, December 13, 2022



national premiere, the documentary film ITHAKA, by Benjamin Larwrence, produced by Gabriele Shipton, brother of Julian Assange. The film narrates the battle of Julian Assange's family, and in particular his father, to defend him, to free him and to avoid extradition to the United States. 

T.E.H.R. Talks

In collaboration with Ether - il quinto elemento



Zakia Seddiki Attanasio, president of the Mama Sophia association, to talk about Africa and human rights.

Ambra Sabatini, Atheltics gold medal Tokyo Olympics, sport, rights and diversity 

Padre Gaetano Lo Russo, Director of the Rogationist priests institute, a congregation created to combat poverty and welcome young people in difficulty 

T.E.H.R. Theatre

(12 dicembre 2022)

Rome, Palladium Theatre, 8:30 pm

Elegia d’amore, Canto alla grande madre

By and with Isabel Russinova, live music by M° Alessandra Prozzo
and with Claudia Portale

Diretor Rodolfo Martinelli Carraresi

with the partecipazione of  Rosalba Giugni, President of Mare Vivo Association 



Amnesty International Italia, Stati Generali delle Donne, Università RomaTre, La Cineteca Nazionale, eCampus University,

Riff (Rome Independent Film Festival), Istituto Armando Curcio, Festival CortoMediterraneo, Indiecinema,

Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia, Askanews, Canale Europa, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Festival Internazionale dei Diritti Umani di Napoli,

Circuito del Caffè Sospeso, rivista Teatro e Cinema Contemporaneo.

@T.E.H.R. Festival all rights reserved   

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