
Creator, Producer and creative director
Isabel Russinova
Actress, Author, Playwriter,Screenwriter for film, theatre and television producer. Official testimonial of Amnesty International Italy. Responsible for "stati generali delle donne " . Promoter of Slavic culture in the world, appointed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria. Doctor of art and theatre university of northwest, American international university

Creatore, Producer and Organizer
Rodolfo Martinelli Carraresi
Director, screenwriter and producer of cinema, theatre and television author( Rai and Mediaset). Author and director of documentaries and film, addressing social issues sensitive to human rights and memory. Sociologist. Freelance Journalist. Vice president of the Lazio journalists union . Councilor of the roman Reporters Union. Editorial Director of the Daily Cases Magazine.
He has been the Head of Press office of the Ministry of Social Affairs Mauritian Academician and Knight of the Italian Republic.