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VII Edition

"Earth victim of war"


Rome, from 15 December 2023 to 15 January 2024

TEHR is back, the festival, now in its seventh edition, which aims to tell themes related to human rights through the arts and which, despite being a house always open to welcoming voices on rights, concentrates, through cinema, theater, music, exhibitions, meetings, conversations, in the month of December of each year a program, spread across various locations in the Capital and built on the theme chosen for the year and this year has as its title, The Earth Victim of War. Partners of this edition are, Roma Tre University, Fondazione Teatro Palladium, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Aska News, Libreria Raponi, Casa Internazionale delle Donne, Indiecinema, Stati Generali delle donne, Rete del Caffè Sospeso, International Human Rights Festival of Naples, Mediterraneo Festival Corto. “This year I wanted to dedicate the theme of the festival to The Earth Victim of War, because in fact the greed and stupidity of man can drag us towards very dark and dangerous scenarios. Wars have, since man exists, caused many wounds to humanity but the instruments of destruction that man has in his hands today are really very, very invasive and nature is a silent victim, suffering from wounds that perhaps will never heal, much of its habitat is destroyed, many countries use animals as weapons of war, from 1950 to 2000 80 percent of fire conflicts have damaged biodiversity, furthermore we are destroying the future of our young people, young people fight and die in war, those who survive will have hellish psychological damage, and where there are no wars again young people are more exposed to dangers, but above all what world are we leaving to young people? TEHR is conquering, year after year, more and more public participation and involvement by new partners, in particular I like to highlight the growing interest of young people, who demonstrate to be attentive and sensitive on issues related to human rights" so Isabel Russinova, creator and artistic director of the Festival.

T.E.H.R. Cinema

(December 15, 2023 and January 13, 2024)

New Cinema Aquila, December 15, 2023

3.30 pm

African Dreamers, five true stories

Documentary, duration 78 minutes


Written and directed by Davide Demichelis, Francesco Cavalli, Roberto Cavalieri, Angelo Ferrari, Raffaele Masto, Luciano Scalettari, Alessandro Rocca.

The film tells the stories of 5 young women from Kenya, Ivory Coast, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, who fight prejudices and old beliefs and cultures that violate universal human rights.


A conversation with the authors follows.

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Our artistic director, Isabel Russinova, and Rodolfo Martinelli Carraresi award one of the directors for having been able to promote human rights issues through cinema

5.30 pm


Conversation with Fabio Del Greco , director, screenwriter, producer, creator and artistic director of the Indiecinema platform and Indiecinema Film Festival.


Our artistic director, Isabel Russinova, in conversation with Gianni Todini, director of Askanews, director Eugenio Attanasio and director Fabio del Greco

6.00 pm

Where children do not sleep

Documentary, duration 20 minutes


Written and directed by Stefano Sbrulli

The film denounces the dramatic consequences linked to mining exploitation in Peru.

Followed by a conversation with editor Luca Marinacci


Our artistic director, Isabel Russinova, interviews editor Luca Marinacci


Rise and Shine

Short film, duration 10 minutes


Directed by Alessandro Zonin

With Miguel Gobbo Diaz and William Michael Roberts.


The film tells the story of the war in an unusual and dramatic dramaturgy with two young soldiers as protagonists.

Followed by a conversation with the author and one of the main actors.


Our artistic director, Isabel Russinova, and Rodolfo Martinelli Carraresi award one of the directors for having been able to promote human rights issues through cinema


La nostra direttrice artistica, Isabel Russinova, insieme ad uno dei due protagonisti del film.


8.00 pm

The faces of memory

Documentary, duration 50 minutes

directed by Isabel Russinova and Rodolfo Martinelli Carraresi


The war and the conditions of the eastern Italian border and of the families forced to exodus in the post-war period of the last century, through the memories of some of the last witnesses.


The film reminds us, once again, how war and interests can transform man, pushing him into a cruel, shameful, absurd and violent spiral, trampling on every human right and dignity.


Children of the Minotaur, stories of men and animals

Documentary film, duration 75min

Directed by Eugenio Attanasio


The documentary tells the story of transhumance through the story of a family of farmers, to be a metaphor for the journey that sees men and animals united towards an ecological future. The film is a reflection on history, art, non-industrial breeding and the relationship between man and nature.


Our artistic director, Isabel Russinova, and Rodolfo Martinelli Carraresi with the director Eugenio Attanasio, with the TEHR Festival certificate

OFF Space - Piazza San Cosimato - January 13, 2024

OFF Space - Piazza San Cosimato

Introduced by Federico Raponi


IRREGULAR - World premiere in Rome

Docu fiction - duration 89 min.


Directed by Fabrizio Catalano and Fatima Lazarte - Bolivia 2022


The film starts from the diversity of the female world to propose matriarchy as an answer to the problems of contemporary society.


Participate, Sister Gabriella Bottani, former international coordinator of Tahita Kum, the global network that fights modern slavery, who has been fighting against human trafficking and especially women for years.

Conversation with Federico Raponi, Fabio Lombardi (musician and editor), Isabel Russinova and Sister Maria Bottani

T.E.H.R. Art


(18 december 2023)

International Women's House – Via della Lungara (RM)
Sala in Gargiola, December 18, 2023, 6:00 p.m.

Thematic collective art exhibition

"The land victim of war"

edited by Paola Aleandri and Macri Martinelli Carraresi



Angelo Franceschi, Photography, Master of photography, photojournalist for La Repubblica,

He has many awards and many personal exhibitions to his credit both nationally and internationally

T.E.H.R. Books

(18 december 2023)

Casa internazionale delle donne – via della Lungara ( RM)
Sala in Gargiola, 18 dicembre 2023, dalle ore 16,30

Literary meeting, in the presence of the authors 

Before closing your eyes 

By Morena Pedriani Errani, Giulio Perrone Editore

 Isabel Russinova, with the editor of the novel Morena Pedriali Errani

Burqa Queen

By Barbara Schiavulli, Radio Bullets ed


Our art director , Isabel Russinova, with the author  Barbara Schiavulli

T.E.H.R. Music

(13 January 2024)

Spazio OFF - Piazza San Cosimato

I Manifesto


concert Alessandro Orfini e Valerio Imperiale


the duo of young and talented musicians who enchanted the X factor talent award participated at T.E.H.R. festival with a new song inspired by the festivals theme of the year " earth victim of war" 


the duo on stage

T.E.H.R. Theatre

(15 January 2024)

Roma, Teatro Palladium, ore 20,30

Eva degli Iris


with and bye Isabel Russinova, music M° Alessandra Prozzo

director Rodolfo Martinelli Carraresi


Omaggio a Eva Mameli Calvino - Prima donna, scienziata, botanica italiana e attivista per il benessere del pianeta.


Introduce Prof. Luca Aversano, Università Roma Tre, DAMS, Fondazione Teatro Palladium

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our art director, Isabel Russinova, going on stage 



Amnesty International Italia, Stati Generali delle Donne, Università RomaTre, La Cineteca Nazionale, eCampus University,

Riff (Rome Independent Film Festival), Istituto Armando Curcio, Festival CortoMediterraneo, Indiecinema,

Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia, Askanews, Canale Europa, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Festival Internazionale dei Diritti Umani di Napoli,

Circuito del Caffè Sospeso, rivista Teatro e Cinema Contemporaneo.

@T.E.H.R. Festival all rights reserved   

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