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TEHR, l'unico Festival Internazionale con sede a Roma dedicato ai diritti umani attraverso le arti, giunto alla sua ottava edizione, apre, nella sua finestra dedicata alle arti cinematografiche TEHR Cinema per i Diritti, al quale potranno partecipare opere edite ed inedite che hanno come soggetto storie dedicate ai diritti umani.


L'iscrizione è aperta alle seguenti categorie:

corti cinematografici  ( durata max 19.min)

animazione (max 15mi)

documentario  (max 50min)

film max75min

opera inedita

video clip

La giuria

La direzione nomina una giuria qualificata composta da 5 esperti di cinema  e delle arti 


10 works will be selected in the overall genres.


The selected works will be screened in Rome in December 2024

Both published and unpublished works can participate in the festival.


All works must have as their subject stories related to human rights .

The special mention will go to an unpublished work, which will be entitled to a theatrical distribution agreement .


Each finalist will be awarded a certificate of participation for having addressed the defense of human rights through cinematographic art and the right to distribute on the indiecinema and e.cinema platforms.


Each participant must provide a release form (to be downloaded here , filled in and uploaded in PDF format in the appropriate section ) relating to the free rights of use and image only for the days of the duration of the festival for the purpose of screening and promotion.


Sending the work does not guarantee participation in the festival.


The authors of the works selected for the competition will be contacted via email by the festival secretariat.


The posters and photos sent will remain in the festival archive.

Entries must be received by midnight on September 15, 2024.

Submit your film



Amnesty International Italia, Stati Generali delle Donne, Università RomaTre, La Cineteca Nazionale, eCampus University,

Riff (Rome Independent Film Festival), Istituto Armando Curcio, Festival CortoMediterraneo, Indiecinema,

Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia, Askanews, Canale Europa, Nuovo Cinema Aquila, Festival Internazionale dei Diritti Umani di Napoli,

Circuito del Caffè Sospeso, rivista Teatro e Cinema Contemporaneo.

@T.E.H.R. Festival all rights reserved   

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